Recently on Facebook and Instagram, I posted the question: “If I announced I’d be giving a TED talk, what topic would you automatically assume?” And I thought some of the answers were interesting. They ranged from talking about my journey in life (ex: single mom, nurse, full time student, and athlete) to talking about punk music. To my surprise, majority of the answers involved discussing my favorite band, blink-182, and how the band helped me get through some of the toughest and best times in my life.
For many of us, music is one of those things that can bring us back to some of our greatest memories or help us speak the words that we are unable to speak. I remember the first blink song I heard on the radio back in middle school and instantly falling in love with them. And for as long as I can remember blink-182 has been one of the only bands that have always been there to help get me through all the many phases of my life. They were there for the teenage angst, the heartbreaks, the depression, the anger, the laughs and the good times.
Here are 10 blink-182 songs that have gotten me through some of my toughest and the best life chapters over the years.
10. “What’s My Age Again“
This song will forever hold a very funny memory for me. Couple years ago my children were asked “Do you know how old your mom is?” to which my darling son replied back, “I’m pretty sure she is as old as that blink song, you know “nobody likes you when you’re 23?” Ever since then our ongoing joke is mommy is forever 23.
9. “I Miss You“
Unlike most of the blink songs that have a deeper or even a funny memory, “I Miss You” is different for me. First off, being a huge Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas fan, how could you not like the song. It talks about the skeleton king, Jack Skellington and his “angel from his nightmare”, Sally. But, I think what makes this song one of my favorites, is that fact it makes me think about my best friend as the “angel from my nightmare”, as they were there to get me though my darkest time in my life. Second, this is another one of many songs that you will catch my children and I singing together either triggered from “Hello there” and “Where are you”!
8. “Adam’s Song“
Like many others, this is the first song blink actually talks about mental health concerns. They talk depression and what it’s like to go through it and how lonely it can feel. I believe they did the best on leaving the reminder, that despite the darkness one may be going through, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, as tomorrow always holds such better days.
“Tomorrow holds such better days
Days when I can still feel alive
When I can’t wait to get outside
The world is wide, the time goes by”
7. “I Really Wish I Hated You“
For those who know, I lost one of my closest friends three years ago, and it was one of those moments that forever changed my life. I have never been able to voice the way I felt because I could never find the right words. When blink released this song, I fell to my knees in tears, its like they knew exactly how I was feeling and couldn’t share.
I still remember when I heard blink play this song live for the live feed for Nine Encores, I got instant goosebumps and instantly started crying, you could feel the emotion of the band. Regardless of what many may say, Nine is one of the best blink albums released (and its not because it was released on my birthday either).
6. “Shut Up“
If you have ever been through a bad relationship, you can relate to this song. After being in a relationship where I was told I would never be good enough for anything or mean anything to anyone. This song quickly became my “fight song”. It reminds me of the fight I needed to get out of the toxic situation.
“I’ll never ask permission from you
Fuck off I’m not listening to you”
“I think it’s time that I should leave”
5. “Dammit“
The song title best describes what it’s like growing up. We all go though struggles, we have friends that come and go, but when you find the good ones, they are always the ones who see through the “master plans”. This was the one song that also gave me inspiration for my undergrad graduation cap as I always told my friends graduating feels like I’m finally “Growing up”
“And it’s happened once again
I’ll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
Sees through the master plan
But everybody’s gone
And I’ve been here for too long
To face this on my own, well I guess this is growing up”
4. “Feeling This“
I still remember when this song was released and it was enough to convince me that Untitled needed to be my first blink album that I had to purchase. Growing up, I always just liked the beat of the song and every time it came on you would always catch me dancing to it. It wasn’t till recently, the lyrics gave me a new found love for the song.
The lyrics gave me a deeper meaning in my life and always reminded me to “Look to the past and remember her smile”, reminding me despite the bad I need to remember to smile. “Fate fell short” -those moments I was able to meet some of the people I have in life. They all came in at times I needed to learn the most.
3. “Home is Such a Lonely Place“
Being a parent you see life through a different pair of eyes. You see your world in the lives of those children who have changed your life. When California came out and I officially found the song that described my feelings for my children and watched them grow. Lyrics such as:
“And I hold on tight
But not enough to hold you back”
“Wish I could slow down time
But not enough to slow you down”
Hit right at home watching my kids grow up, even though I wish time would slow down to allow me more time with their innocence.
2. “Darkside“
Along with “I Really Wish I Hated You”, “Darkside” gives me chills when I hear it on Nine or live. This was the first song I heard with my best friend live at my first blink concert where they surprised me with meet and greet passes as well. I still remember tearing up at the sound check as I was finally seeing and meeting my favorite band. It was also the song my best friend and I listened to the night we cried for a loss he had.
Regardless of the good or the bad, “I’m goin’ to the darkside with you”
1.”After Midnight“
I was asked one day what my favorite blink song was, and I could only pick one. This was the first one that came out of my mouth. “After Midnight” is one of those songs that regardless of how many times you hear it, it never gets old and I find myself putting it on repeat frequently.
This song often reminds me that struggles are not forever and I don’t have to take this road alone.
“I kinda think that we won’t get better
It’s the longest start, but the end’s not too far away
Did you know, I’m here to stay”
We all have a band that has helped us get through the many phases and chapters in our lives or bring us back to some of the best moments. Being able to grow up, being able to listen to my favorite band and now being able to share my love with my children are things I will never forget.
Do you have a band and/or songs that have gotten you through the challenges in life or do you have a funny memory? We would love to hear about them – let us know on Twitter!
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