Angels and Airwaves are back and better than ever.
The space-time rock band have released a new single, “Kiss & Tell”, following up their surprise release of “Rebel Girl” back in late April, which shook Tom DeLonge fans to the core.
If it hasn’t been known, Angels and Airwaves are entering a new world with their current sound. Between the two singles, the music is faster, more dynamic, and catchy. It seems as if their absence since 2014’s full length album The Dream Walker has open their minds and allowed them to follow-up and plan out a new and improved modern art style.
Previous work of the band has been about landscapes and consciousness, which in all fairness wasn’t completely consumed by DeLonge’s massive audience. The Dream Walker lacked dynamic guitar parts that calculated the Tom DeLonge sound people knew, which have catchy, intricate riffs like we’ve heard in years past. It was almost like the creative process was relied too much on trying to sound complete with complicated fills and different core progressions that just didn’t fill the creative void they were capable of.
However, this time around, things are different, yet familiar at the same time.
With AVA’s recent release, “Kiss & Tell”, DeLonge and co. have found a way to implement familiar sounds, yet a modern product that proves they’re reaching their full potential.
“Kiss & Tell” is a lyrical awakening for DeLonge, who seems comfortable with his vocal potential in harmonies and different pitches throughout the verses. DeLonge’s voice is iconic to the point where any song he seems to sing can fit his style. However, his newer-style voice fits perfectly with the intriguing space-pop-punk style AVA is heading into.
Not only do Tom’s vocals fit beautifully, the progression of the song is what makes it dynamic. Call me crazy, but it seems like this album can be closely related to Box Car Racer’s untitled album, not exactly in sound but in song design.
The song has a mysterious opening, loud verses, a bridge that slows down, giving the listener the ability to feel involved in the song. After that, you go straight into the final chorus where DeLonge’s juxtaposition vocals come at you like a tidal wave filled with pure emotion.
This is Tom. This is what he was meant to do. There’s a reason why he isn’t in blink-182 and there’s a reason why his full potential is being shown on this Angels and Airwaves record, where there are no limits to hold him back from a creative awakening.
This creative awakening AVA is going through can push this band to heights of the likes we’ve never seen.
Listen to the new single below!

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