UPDATE 8/21/17 @ 10:45PM: Angels & Airwaves have officially released the We Don’t Need To Whisper acoustic EP. Get the deets here.
UPDATE 8/20/17: The songs were previously made public on YouTube, but have since been switched to private.
ORIGINAL: Tom DeLonge is back, ladies and gentleman.
Angels and Airwaves have accidentally released a four song EP, recreating Valkyrie Missile, Distraction, Do It For Me Now, and The Adventure as apart of their acoustic album of ‘We Don’t Need To Whisper’. As of right now, the songs are being privatized from AVA’s Vevo account.
AVA had no statement of the release, which means they’ll most likely upload the songs when a statement is posted.
There’s no official word if they’ll release other songs in the album, but this nostalgic release is great for any Angels and Airwaves fan.
It’s nice to finally hear Tom making music once again. Come listen to the songs below:

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