Out of all the music Tom DeLonge has put out into the airwaves, there are none like 2002’s hit self-titled record by Box Car Racer. Straight out of the success of blink-182’s breakthrough records Enema of The State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker’s side project was a instant masterpiece.
From the post hardcore/punk single “I Feel So”, to the blink-182-ish “Elevator” featuring Mark Hoppus, this record tops off the idealistic work of someone going through the toughest of times and finding out who they really are. This album lives and breathes off of topics that no one ever thought Tom DeLonge was capable of, proving his maturity and versatility when it comes to songwriting and composition.
From the ever-so conspiracy-ridden “Watch The World”, to the extraterrestrial “Tiny Voices”, and even the heartbreaking track, “Letters To God”, Tom DeLonge wore his heart on his sleeve and gave listeners a visit into his mind.
Personally, I don’t think any other record lives up to the anthemic and emotional resonance that this album brings. Through the 18 years this album has been riding along the airwaves, it has touched so many lives, inspired many young musicians, and has been endlessly relatable to the world around us.
Not to mention, the way DeLonge describes the evolution of the music and the construction of the track, “All Systems Go” in the Ernie Ball: Pursuit of Tone documentary truly shows the creative process and how much the music means to the musician:
Even in this current political environment, “The End With You” is still relatable and holds truth. Needless to say, this record is a timeless classic.
Although the album lead to blink-182’s hiatus in 2005, its still a massive piece of punk rock history and the turning point in blink-182’s maturity on 2003’s self titled record.
Happy 18th birthday, Box Car Racer, and thank you Tom Delonge for the absolute masterpiece of an album.
Hopefully those hints at a BCR reunion aren’t in vain.
Go stream the Box Car Racer album below!

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