In the last three years, Can’t Swim has blossomed as a new leader of the new era of heavy pop-punk. Their hard-hitting signature drums and incredible vocals make Can’t Swim stand out from other rising acts within the scene.
Their most recent release Thanks but No Thanks via Pure Noise Records digs deep into the roots of the band members. The album truly encompasses the best of the old & new of Can’t Swim. We even did an album review for you to check out.
We had the honor of chatting with Chris LoPorto right as the pandemic began (click here to read the interview). Now, we are honored yet again with the opportunity to hear about everything that has changed with Can’t Swim in the last three years.
Keep up with Can’t Swim on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Spotify | Website
Last time we caught up with Can’t Swim was in early 2020. What all has changed since then? What were some of your best & worst moments from the last 3 years?
Wooooow what hasn’t changed?? The band went through some serious ups and downs from the Covid period until now. New members.. Some of us moved to other parts of the country (or in Danny’s case The UK). But it my opinion it’s led us to this amazing spot that we have found ourselves in now, very happy with a new album and rockin’ shows as often as we can.
I think a real career high since then was playing 2000 Trees 2022 in Cheltenham, they really have a utopian festival over there for the punks.
What are you looking forward to most about your upcoming tour with Free Throw? Which venue are you most excited to play in?
We love Free Throw and have known them all for a long time, it’s always sick to hit the road with your peers. Personally, I can’t wait for the First Unitarian gig in Philly.. if ya know ya know.
What song from your whole discography is the most difficult to play live?
From the perspective of the drums Can’t Swim has quite a few tricky tracks. We’re basically all drummers and we love to write bizarre parts and try and make them musical. All my drummers out there, try ‘ Molly’s Desk’ and the intro to ‘Nowhere, Ohio’!
Your upcoming album Thanks, But No Thanks is honestly my favorite record from y’all. What were some of the inspirations that led to these tracks? What were the ups & downs of writing and recording the album?
Thanks! To be honest with you we focused on our roots this time around, the things that excited us when we were little knuckleheads as well as what everyone was into around the time the band started.
A big up for us on this album was betting on ourselves, our guitar player Danny Rico produced, engineered, and mixed the record. We all flew to NJ and spent about 2 months in a basement working on it and made out sanity-in-tact with a hell of a batch of songs! As far as downsides go well I can’t really think of any… I wouldn’t change a thing.
Which track is the most meaningful to you & why?
I love ‘I heard they found you facedown inside your living room’. I think you should listen, the song is about receiving news of the suicide of someone close to you in your life. It’s so touching because it’s real. The song is powerful because every performance is emotional, and Chris really leaves it all in the track. Saying goodbye is tough but I think we have all experienced it, I know I have.
If you had to describe the album in 3 words or less, how would you define it?
Fast. Pure. Bangers.
What lyric from which track do you think truly captures the message within Thanks, But No Thanks?
‘Living in the past is a funny thing, the longer you hold on the longer it stings.’ -even my anger has issues
You already have so many exciting things in the works for Can’t Swim this year (and it’s only February!). What other possible opportunities are in the works moving forward from here?
Well we just announced that we are joining our buddies Microwave in the UK, so that kicks ass!
We’ll be doing what we do all year long really, playing. Keep an eye out because we will be everywhere!
Is there anything else you’d like to share with your fans or All Punked Up readers?
Thank you. Thank you for sticking with us for the last 3 years. Thanks, But No Thanks is a new era for Can’t Swim. We just want you to listen, and hopefully, we’ll see you out there on the road. Peace.
Cover Photo Credit: Paige Tate
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