Nearly every punk concert I have had the pleasure of attending in the past year has left me with one impression: my voice is important. And while musicians have been symbolizing advocacy and have been telling the tale of average folk for a long time, this election cycle has caused an uproar of political involvement– especially among the punk scene.
One outspoken leader of the punk political takeover has been Dan Campbell of The Wonder Years and Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties. This evening, Campbell took to Periscope and Twitter to implore people to vote. As a bit of encouragement, Campbell did a live stream, playing some acoustic songs for his fans.
His goal was to reach out to those in line and maybe remind others to jump in line. It’s hard to say if it worked, but his passion definitely has show through.
Campbell has been a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders, and then supporting Clinton.
“We’re no saviors if we can’t save our brothers.” -Cardinals by The Wonder Years
Pop punk musicians have been clearly supporting a more socially liberal agenda this election cycle, but that comes as no surprise. So when Real Friends shouted for equality, and the crowd shouted back with love, no one felt anything but safety among numbers. There’s a special moment when you’re at a concert and the musicians reminds us all to love each other.
There’s an even more special moment in knowing that they want you to get out and vote because they care about your voice. Long live pop punk, and long live advocacy.
Contributed by Alex West | @PresidentWestie

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