I recently caught up with acoustic emo artist, Luke Rainsford – hailing from Birmingham, UK. Luke recently finished an UK/EU tour with Cory Wells and I had the chance to find out what’s in store for him in 2020, including an exciting tour announcement and new music.
You’ve just finished up with a UK/EU tour with Cory Wells – how was it?
It was honestly one of the most fun tours I’ve ever done. I got to bring some of my best friends along with me, and also got to see so many new places. There wasn’t a single show where people didn’t know the words to my songs, and I will never forget how special that was to me. It was also so nice to meet Cory and his crew. I can’t speak highly enough of him as a person or a musician.
What is one of your most memorable moments on the tour?
I got to play my hometown, Birmingham, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a room of people sing my songs back to me as loud as that before. It blew me away. I will think about that show every day for the rest of my life.
Describe touring with Cory Wells in 3 words?
Love, Friendship, Fun.
What are your plans for 2020? Can we expect some more shows?
2020 has been so kind to me. I get to tour with my main inspiration for writing music, Aaron West, in May. How often do you get to say that? I also have a lot of new music to put out, alongside some headline shows for the first time in a LONG while.
That’s an exciting tour announcement, how are you feeling about it?
It is so incredibly self affirming. We Don’t Have Each Other was such a pivotal record for me, and being able to play shows alongside someone who has inspired me so much, has me beyond words. I am so thankful for the opportunity, and I can’t wait to see what it leads to.

May Tour, UK
If you could collaborate with any artist or band, who would it be and why?
I would love to work on songs with Max Bemis from Say Anything, because I love how he doesn’t care about sticking to one particular sound. I think he would add so much flair to my ideas and it would be such a dream to create with him.
Is there a song by any band or artist that you wish you’d written?
SO many. I wish I’d written “Cigarettes and Saints” by The Wonder Years mostly. It is my favourite song of all time, and I aspire to be able to write a song as emotionally powerful as that.
You just put out a new single, ‘In Spite of All My Worry’, what was your inspiration for the song?
The song is inspired by me not looking after my own mental health enough, to the point where I was pushing people who cared about me away. Looking back, it led to me not treating people the way in which they deserved to be. This song is about cherishing those who are there for you, and about wanting to be each other’s support network, helping each other grow and flourish. The world is a scary place right now, and we all need people who can be there to look after us sometimes.
For newcomers, how would you describe your music?
Honest, acoustic based emo. Though I don’t necessarily want to keep myself in the acoustic world for too much longer.
Everyone has that one song that never fails to lift their spirits – what’s your go-to?
Every single morning I listen to “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears whilst I walk to wherever I’m going. It really helps me face the day. I don’t know why, but I love it so much.
You can check out Luke’s music on Spotify or on YouTube:
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