This week, we share our Spotify Wrapped results and discuss what the recent Fall Out Boy tease is all about. But you’ll want to stay for this one as we bring on Kailee Morgue. Kailee is on track to be one of the more notable names in the scene. And if she’s not on your radar, she should be. Kailee and Tyler talk about everything from how she convinced her parents to skip college for a year to go all in on music and how that led to her success in getting her first record deal. We also talk about her new album Girl Next Door and she opens up about her vulnerability on the record, the songwriting process, and how some of those songs even came to be. We also talk about everything else we can expect from her in 2023 and beyond. She also says she’s got a tour coming up next year with an adjacent artist in the scene bigger than her. Who could it be? But before we let her go, she answers some fan-submitted questions.
Stream Kailee Morgue’s new album Girl Next Door.

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