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Have you heard? Ronx delivers that pop-punk passion we’re all looking for

By December 16, 2019No Comments

Every once in awhile a band plays through your speakers and you fall in love with their sound instantly. Ronx is that band, they’re a pop-punk trio from Bronx, NY.

Their newest song “Roses” is a song about the difficulties faced when going through a breakup. The vocals are passionate and strong, met with a powerful melody that plays throughout the song. Hear it below.

The band also produces relatablity in their track “On My Own,” the song hits home with lyrics such as “feelings are overrated/I’m good on my own.” The music is steady and catchy making this song and band a new favorite.

Keep up with Ronx on Spotify, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Tabitha Timms

I'm Tabitha, my favorite color is blue. I'm full-time college student studying to make Music Journalism my career. I hope you enjoy what I write and keep coming back for more!

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