Hot Mulligan is an emo, pop-punk band from Michigan on No Sleep Records. They’re lighting the pop-punk scene on fire with their recent release of Pilot on March 23rd.
One track that stands out is “The Soundtrack To Missing A Slam Dunk,” The vocals are what draw your ears in while the drums and guitar play smoothly alongside in this songs intro, the chorus is incredibly catchy with words such as “You used to be the reason I was happy everyday/I’m probably better off without you, but I wish you would have stayed,” strung together and sung quickly but is just enough to give you chills, this track is truly something special and worth multiple listens.
“Pluto Was Never Really A Planet,” has a serene intro, with softer vocals than previous tracks and a light sound of guitar, as the vocals grow stronger the music behind them picks up speed and eventually hits harder. Although the song picks up the track is still soothing, showing the band’s capability of reaching outside of their catchy and upbeat tendencies to bring us something unique but still staying true to themselves.
A song that truly stands out among the rest on the album is “How Do You Know It’s Not Armadillo Shell’s,” where to begin on a song so astonishingly perfect? With a quite melody alongside a guitar listeners are intrigued, as the track kicks into gear with a tenuous drum beat and quick tongue-and-cheek lyrics including “Pulling out the pages that I wrote for you/hoping you don’t think that I’m dependent cause I know the truth/might be too much/I’m not enough.” Suitable enough to make the hair on your neck stand on end if you’ve ever felt close to feeling that way before. The vocals increase and decrease throughout the song keeping listeners on their toes, as more of the band enters the song giving the track a little more force at the end.
This album has something for everyone so if you’re even the slightest bit interested, you should check it out and catch Hot Mulligan on tour in support of Knuckle Puck.

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