Big Picture Media’s Natalie Schaffer stops by The All Punked Up Podcast to discuss with Tyler what it has really been like behind the scenes for artists during this pandemic and what the plan is for artists in 2021. Are bands optimistic about touring this year? What would another year of the same thing we’ve had do for artists? And how can we actually help support the bands we all know and love right now. They talk about all of this and more in this episode.
Big Picture Media is an entertainment publicity agency founded and based in the heart of New York City. For over a decade they have specialized in publicity and buzz-building services for bands, festivals, events, clothing companies; you name it, they do it. They work with bands like Bayside, Counterparts, Eve 6, Four Year Strong, MOD SUN, Neck Deep, New Found Glory, Stand Atlantic, Sum 41, The Used, With Confidence, and so many more.

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