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If MCR Can Do It, You Can Do It Too: 5 Bands Who Need To Get Back Together ASAP

By November 4, 2019No Comments

In case you’ve been offline for the past week and missed the biggest news to hit the music world this year, My Chemical Romance is back together. After calling it quits in 2013, the band has finally returned, and I could not be more grateful for their reunion. 

But I can’t help but think that if My Chemical Romance, a band whose members have constantly protests against the idea of a reunion, can get back together, what’s stopping any other band? So here is my list of five bands that I need to see reunite right now. 

5. A Rocket to the Moon 

After releasing their sophomore album Wild and Free, A Rocket to the Moon broke up in 2013. They played a reunion show at The Maine’s 8123 Fest, but that’s not good enough. I need a full reunion. I need Nick Santino to channel all his energy back into the band because they are too good to only have two albums in existence. 

4. fun. 

Y’all remember fun., right? They took the world by storm with their album Some Nights in 2012, even winning a couple Grammy awards in the process, and then they virtually disappeared. They officially went on hiatus in 2015, with the band members pursuing other projects (shout out to Bleachers), but I am missing some fun. content in my life. They have a sound unlike any other band, and I would really appreciate them reuniting for the sake of my happiness. 

3. Boys Like Girls 

Boys Like Girls released their third album Crazy World in 2012, and we haven’t heard anything new from them since. The group is no stranger to taking breaks, though, as they briefly went on hiatus between the release of their second album Love Drunk and the release of Crazy World. However, the group isn’t officially broken up, so I have hopes that they could put out a new album in the future. I know not everyone was super happy with Crazy World because it was vaguely country, but I honestly liked it. “Be Your Everything” remains my favorite song by Boys Like Girls to this day. 

2. The Summer Set 

When The Summer Set announced an indefinite hiatus in 2017, they broke my heart. They released their absolute best album, Stories for Monday, in 2016, and then they just vanished a year later. Brian Logan Dales has his solo project, brothers John and Stephen Gomez have their band Twin XL, and Jess Bowen has been playing drums for what seems like everyone under the sun, but I miss The Summer Set. I think they really found something with their last album. If they were to come back, they have a lot of potential to make some waves. 

1. Cartel 

Let me just say it loud and clear: the world, collectively, did not treat Cartel with the respect they deserved. Cartel is honestly a top-tier pop-punk band, and they deserve so much better. They aren’t officially broken up or on hiatus or anything, they’ve just disappeared after the release of their 2013 album Collider (which was fantastic, by the way). If any band on this list were to tour again, I need it to be Cartel. I would give anything to hear their songs live. I would just need the world to fully appreciate them this time around. 

Honorable Mention: One Direction 

I’ve seen everyone go crazy at the prospect of a 1D reunion, so I feel the need to mention it. However, I’m not too stoked on the idea myself. Unpopular opinion: Harry Styles’s and Niall Horan’s solo careers are stronger than what they had with One Direction. They don’t need the band anymore, so I don’t think they’ll get back together. Sorry, Directioners. 


What do you think? Did I miss any bands on my list? Let us know what bands you think need to get back together!

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Claire Rodgers

part-time playlist curator and full-time fangirl

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