Immerse, a post-hardcore quartet, hailing from Bristol, UK are set to release their new single, “Here’s Hoping” on 3rd July. We caught up with the band to talk about their new single, upcoming album and life in lockdown.
Be sure to follow Immerse on social media!
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How would you describe your sound and who are your main influences?
Our sound is a perfect blend of light and dark, heavy and soft and aggression and passion. We have a lot of influences from many genres but IMMERSE definitely takes most of theirs from the pop punk and hardcore areas of music. We manage to sound fresh and familiar at the same time.
How did Immerse first come about?
We actually formed from the ashes of a different band. We felt like the name and brand we had, had seen its final days and decided with this new sound we had created towards the end that a fresh name and image was needed to help push it.
You’re about to release your new single, “Here’s Hoping”, how are you guys feeling?
We honestly couldn’t be more excited for people to hear this song, It’s a perfect representation of what we are about! But I don’t want to give too much away before the release.
What’s the story behind the new song?
The lyrics for this song I wrote when I realised that someone I considered a friend and thought I knew showed their true colours. I got sick of them playing the victim for what they were doing to their friends and constantly making up lies about who they were and eventually just decided to cut them out of my life.
You released your debut album Suffer in 2018, how will your sound compare in your upcoming album, The Weight That Holds Me Here?
“Here’s Hoping” is definitely a step up, we’re still keeping the same sound but it’s just way more developed and a lot more mature. We definitely don’t want to lose the sound we have created so far but we want to make it more refined and perfect it however we can.
You’ve previously played alongside the likes of Holding Absence – do you guys have a standout highlight from those shows?
I think a highlight from those shows is just how early in the band’s career we shared the stage with them and seeing them now killing it on huge tours is incredible. It definitely shows that it is possible for the little guy to make a name for themselves.
What bands have been getting you through lockdown?
I’ve been listening to a mix of bands and artists to be honest. A major one for me in the summer is a guy called Quinn xcii, for me he has major summer vibes and he’s one of those artists I can just put on shuffle. Also I’ve re-found my love for LetLive and The Story So Far is always a great shout in this nice weather.
Can you describe Immerse in 3 words?
Aggressive fun and exciting.
Can’t wait for the new single? Click here to check out Immerse.
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