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Liquid Death Beverage Band drops ‘Greatest Hates Vol. III’ – album review

By July 1, 2023July 6th, 2023No Comments

Liquid Death, the beverage company focused on sustainability, has released its third full-length record Greatest Hates Volume III. Each track consists of hate comments from Liquid Death’s social media pages.

While Volumes I and II feature heavy rock & pop-punk melodies, Greatest Hates III is driven by 80s dance-pop vibes. The album features Tony Hawk, Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray), Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance), Jen Razavi (The Bombpops), and more.

Check out our thoughts on Greatest Hates Volume III below & keep up with Liquid Death on social media!

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Liquid Death has created the most cynical record ever.

So it is no secret how intriguing the Greatest Hates lyrics have been. There is something very unique about only saying terrible things about you & your company. Volume III stands out because of the change in genre. It makes sense when a heavy rock artist screams about how much something sucks. It is pretty much expected. But saying “This disgusting company will drag you straight to hell” with a soft, dance-pop vibe is just hilarious.

Each track’s title & chorus focuses on the funniest hate phrase within it. The album opens with “Worst Name for a Water Company” ft. Tony Hawk, Jason Ellis, and Chris Cole. Track 1 is the longest song and gives full “dancing in the disco” 80s vibes.

This song aligns pretty well with the theme from track 7 titled “There’s Not Even Alcohol In It.” While I love Liquid Death’s brand, mission, and water, I find this hate phrase to be one of the most arguable. In all fairness, I thought is was alcohol at first, too.

Some of the more aggressive hate comments can be found in tracks 2, 3, 9, and 10. Last time I checked, Liquid Death tastes amazing and no one deserves to have their mouth pissed in (track 3), but man dear is it hilarious to hear a soft 80s pop vibe sing that phrase so eloquently. They even made a music video for “Fuck Whoever Started This” (track 2).

“Go Fuck Yourself” (track 9) starts with a common Top 100s melody from the 80s. Hearing these upbeat rhythms and bright, happy vocals stating “Go Fuck Yourself” is another key example of how the contrast between the music production and the lyrics makes this album so entertaining.

Greatest Hates Volume III closes with “Rather Cut My Own D**k Off” featuring Mark McGrath. “The day I drink canned water is the day I cut my own dick off” seems so dramatic. It is quite interesting how hateful internet trolls can be toward a company that is doing so much good for the environment and for humanity.

It speaks volumes that this company can take such resentment from haters and turn it into something so enjoyable and comical. Listening to the short, 15 minute album is worth every dang minute and definitely deserves to be on repeat.

Check out the record below!

Album Credits: Lead Vocals by Lexi Papillon; Produce & Engineered by Micah Gordon; Executive Producer Jen Razavi; Mixed & Mastered by Micah Gordon; lyrics by actual internet haters.

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Julia Pearl

Concert Enthusiast | Multimedia Journalist | South FL