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Lost Like Lions release new EP – review

By June 25, 2020No Comments

Lost Like Lions, alt-rock band hailing from Buffalo, NY put out their new EP, The Devil That You Know, this month.  The EP comprises of three tracks, “Something Else”, “Run Away” and “Enemies”.  Here’s what we had to say about it…

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Right off the bat, you can hear a nostalgic pop punk element in this EP.  With Lost Like Lions citing the likes of Jimmy Eat World and Sugarcult as some of their influences, you can definitely feel it in The Devil That You Know. 

“Something Else” is a strong introduction to the EP.  It’s catchy, energetic and to quote the song, “Turn up your stereo”, when you listen to this track.  Frontman, Derrik Schiersing, serves up a faultless vocal that has a smooth rise and fall – working perfectly with the melodic riffs.

Next up is “Run Away”, this track makes you think you’re listening to a different band, but in a good way.  The second song on the EP showcases how diverse Lost Like Lions are.  “Run Away” feels ethereal, with the use of reverb and atmospheric riffs.  It feels poignant and no doubt it will resonate with listeners.  The opening lyric feels so poetic too – “When the storm comes crashing in, I wanna wash away with you”.

 Last but not least is “Enemies”, which the band released as a single back in May.  Again, this track is catchy, and it has a 90s pop punk vibe, so what’s not to love?   The song definitely offers that nostalgic element of reminiscing back to when you’re a kid – “Remember when we were kids, man we knew how to live”.  “Enemies” is the summer bop you didn’t know you needed – play it loud!

The Devil That You Know is a quality EP – all three of the tracks deliver and make for a strong collection.  The production and mixing on this EP are crystal clear, you’ll want to play it over and over again.

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Evie Shaw

Hey! I'm Evie, I'm 25 and from Chester, UK. Pop punk obsessed, usually found at a gig or singing at my piano. Monday to Friday, I'm an Account Manager for a PR agency.

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