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Moskito and “Gone With The Girl Next Door” – interview

By December 5, 2021No Comments

Introducing Moskito, a quintet hailing from the UK, blending dark melodies with abrasive yet tender sounds. Describing themselves as “gritty, British, and in your face”, the band have hit the ground running with the type of music everyone needs to hear right now.

All Punked Up caught up with the band to talk about their introductory single, “Gone With The Girl Next Door”.

You can find Moskito on:

Instagram | Facebook | Spotify


Hey Moskito, welcome to your first APU interview. How are you guys doing?

We’re doing great, thanks for having us.

You recently released your debut single, “Gone With The Girl Next Door”, what’s the story behind it?

It’s a long winding tale of uncertainty blended with temptation. The prototype Moskito love song.

What’s the meaning behind Moskito?

A funny one. We were showing Jakey some old demos in his car in the countryside – when a mosquito anchored down on the passenger window gracing his presence among us… The rest is history.

How would you describe your sound?

Audacious. Melodic. Or in the words of Frank Carter .. ‘F***ing sick’

Who are your main musical influences?

QOTSA. Slaves. Arctic Monkeys. Also maybe some Slipknot.

What was your first ever gig?

Black Keys & Foo Fighters headlining R&L 2012.  

What’s next for Moskito?

We’ll be releasing our second single soon. After months of writing we’re lucky to have a strong back catalogue of songs that we can’t wait to release. We’ve been in contact with some of our favourite bands so touring is definitely on the cards. Needless to say.. We can’t wait to see what happens.

Do you have anything else to say to our readers?

Keep your ears to the ground. It’s happening.


Check out the music video for “Gone With The Girl Next Door” below:

For more from APU, click here!

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Evie Shaw

Hey! I'm Evie, I'm 25 and from Chester, UK. Pop punk obsessed, usually found at a gig or singing at my piano. Monday to Friday, I'm an Account Manager for a PR agency.

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