Do y’all know the SWMRS song “Miley?” It’s amazing, and you should listen to it if you haven’t. But the point of the song can be summed up by the line “Miley is a punk rock queen,” referring to Miley Cyrus, of course.
But I would like to issue a counteroffer: Halsey is a punk rock queen.
Hear me out.
Halsey has always been an advocate of the scene for years. She talks about her love of My Chemical Romance. She goes so hard in the pit at a concert for The Story So Far that she loses an earring. She hangs out with the dudes from The Maine and State Champs. The girl is an emo through and through.
Halsey doesn’t make traditionally punk music, though, right? People just think she’s a pop star. WRONG.
Halsey makes whatever kind of music she wants. Her stuff ranges from pop to indie to vaguely country. (Her new single “You should be sad” has a country twang to it that somehow works so well, it’s wild.) And not caring about genre is so punk!
But do you know what’s essential to punk? Angst. And what does Halsey’s music have? Angst.
Her music has the raw emotion and vulnerability that the majority of modern pop music seems to lack. It’s content aligns more with punk music than people seem to realize.
What’s consistent about all of Halsey’s music is that she has something to say, and that’s what makes her a punk rock queen. Listen to “Nightmare” and tell me that it isn’t a punk song. She’s taking a stand and speaking her mind, and that’s what I want from my punk music.
DISCLAIMER: Punk purists, please do not come for me, I’m just trying to make a point here.

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