Following Sunday night’s terrible, atrocious attacks at the Route 91 country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada left us in awe as the death counts and injuries continued to sky rocket. According to multiple news outlets, there had been around 58 killed and over 500 injured in the nations’ worst mass shooting.
This hits home for me, as I can probably say for many others who attend concerts, or find music as an escape. No one, absolutely nobody, should be under attack for attending a peaceful outing where you go to enjoy life, embrace those who share the same taste of music, and express yourself. These cowardly acts of terrorism in Vegas were not only an attack on the city, but music lovers alike.
Upon hearing the awful news Sunday night, I was glued to my television. I couldn’t look away from the horror that was taking the lives of beautiful people, who were under attack by a coward.
It hit me hard.
As a concert goer myself, I couldn’t help think, “What if that were me? What if that were my friends and I? What can I do to help?”. When you’re hundreds of miles away, there’s not much you can do but watch in absolute horror.
It made me think of my time at Lollapalooza and how vulnerable we are at these events and how quickly our lives can be taken due to the madness of a single person.
All of us, as Americans and music fans need to stick together. Put your politics aside, set aside your differences, and show love and compassion to those affected.
Keep them in your hearts, and be wise from what we learned during this terrible time; be alert at all times, tell your families you love them, be kind to one another, and show compassion.
To those who were affected, my heart goes out to you during this awful time.

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