Christmas is approaching soon, which begs me to ask if you have sent your letter to Santa yet? If you haven’t, let’s do it together and formulate a Christmas wish list for music fans just like us. After all, this is a time for miracles and anything can happen, right?
A Box Car Racer Reunion
Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker have been more friendly in 2017 than they have been since before DeLonge left the band in 2015. They’ve both always stated in interviews that they’d never close the door on a second Box Car Racer album, but only Tom brought it to the surface on his Twitter when he was asking fans who he should feature on the “possible” album. With recent rumors of Travis visiting Tom in the studio, Santa may be working his Christmas magic, but one can only hope they work things out and get i the studio for another magnificent album. – John Aubert.
Subscription to
Why buy someone just one record when they can receive a few new ones every month? This gift curates records to be sent to the subscriber at determined intervals. It just doesn’t stop giving. – Alexandria West.
Membership at local venue
Rather than spend money on one set of tickets, why not just buy someone a membership to a whole venue? They’ll never miss a show again and they oftentimes receive other perks by being a member. It’s best to find a local pop-punk hot spot to sign them up for! – Alexandria West.
Band T-Shirts
You can never go wrong with this classic. Either snag your loved one t-shirts of bands that you know they’re obsessing over or, if you’re unsure, grab them some of the classics like The Rolling Stones, The Killers, or The Beatles. -Alexandria West.
Band-Themed Advent Calendars
While it may be too late to use for this coming Christmas, I would love to receive a band merchandise-themed advent calendar to help count down the 25 days leading to Christmas Day 2018! Rather than the usual candies and chocolates for children, let music fans enjoy new merchandise that incorporates some of their favorite bands or the most popular ones of the punk scene. Daily forms of merch that the advent calendar would consist of would probably be digital download codes for single tracks, small accessories such as wristbands, and Polaroid-styled photos of the band members. – Jina Bute.
All Time Low to perform album in full
All I want for Christmas out of our music scene is for pop-punk band All Time Low to play So Wrong, It’s Right in full on a U.S. tour. After it’s successful run in New Jersey for 3 nights straight, ATL announced that they will be opening for themselves on their U.K. tour playing the album in full. So Wrong, It’s Right is an album that put ATL on the map and personally, opened the door to many different bands. There would be nothing like seeing such an influential album come to life in it’s entirety. – Tabitha Timms
Pop Punk Tour For The Ages
While they’re are many things that come to mind when I think of the ultimate pop punk Christmas gift (i.e. a My Chemical Romance reunion) the one I would say I would want the most has to be a Sum 41, Green Day, and Yellowcard tour. All 3 bands are ones I’ve grown up listening to and I always refer them as my “big 3” so having a tour with all of them on it would be a dream come true. Besides, Yellowcard would have to get back together in order to do this tour so that would just be the icing on the cake of the perfect pop punk Christmas gift. – Natalie Roberto.
Hope you enjoyed our punk rock Christmas list for 2017. Maybe some of these wishes will come true during 2018!
What do you want apart of your punk rock Christmas? Let us know!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us at All Punked Up.

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