As Sad Summer Festival 2023 comes to an end, it is with great luck we are able to reflect on one of the earlier dates on this tour. I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Chicago SSF show at Hunting Bank Pavilion and capture all the fun, excitement, craziness, and happiness all in one.
Featuring bands Taking Back Sunday, The Maine, Motion City Soundtrack, PVRIS, Hot Mulligan, Mom Jeans., Stand Atlantic, and Sincere Engineer, this lineup was stacked the entire day with amazing performances back to back. Every band seemed to be having the time of their lives up on stage, performing their favorite hits while interacting with the audience and just generally enjoying an awesome summer festival.
This was the best Sad day that I’ve gotten to have in a long time! Enjoy the photo series below, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for what may be to come next summer!
Photography by Brittnee Thayer

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