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Redwood release new single “Rumour Night”

By October 2, 2020No Comments

Redwood, a five-piece alternative rock band from Hertfordshire, UK, have released their new single, “Rumour Night” – taken from their upcoming debut album, Beside A Shallow Sun.

Beautifully introspective, Redwood’s latest single highlights the benefits of exploring creativity to carve a path for mental wellbeing, fusing anthemic indie-pop and shoe-gazing math-rock.

Alex Birchall (guitar/lead vocal) on the band’s new single, “When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I use an exercise where I write down everything that I’m feeling, without judgement or worry that anyone else will read it. It is a stream of consciousness that can be about anything. I’ll come back to it a few weeks later, and it’s where I get most of my inspiration. This process helped to create the foundation of “Rumour Night”. The song is about how growing up with mental illness can be a scary prospect and trying not to give up too much of yourself to the world when you don’t feel you have the mental fortitude to keep up. At one point at university, everything felt like it got too much, I stayed up for two nights in a row writing to get the thoughts out of my head. It helped me process the idea of wanting to be at peace with all of the chaos and anxiety in my head, rather than trying to fight it..”

Redwood draw their influences from a range of genres from emo to post-rock, they combine delicate melodies and thought-provoking lyrics with intricate, shimmering guitars and powerful choruses with explosive dynamics.

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Evie Shaw

Hey! I'm Evie, I'm 25 and from Chester, UK. Pop punk obsessed, usually found at a gig or singing at my piano. Monday to Friday, I'm an Account Manager for a PR agency.

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