We had the opportunity to meet up with the rock duo, Robot Monster from New Haven, Connecticut. We talked about their newest single “Out”, how they got their band, musical inspirations, and more.
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First off, I wanted to congratulate you on your most recent single “Out”. How do you feel post release?
What would you say your inspiration was for the song “Out”?
“Out” speaks to when, in any sort of context, you’ve reached the tipping point of when you’re done with something and you’re finally fed up with with a person, or anything that’s been toxic and put you through hell. It’s about when it’s time to leave, time to turn the lights off and never look back. The breaking point in anything, whether it’s a person, a thing a concept, or just leaving the toxic stuff you no longer need behind. It’s angry and filled with rage, but at the same time it’s also positive too. It could be cathartic, and a powerful thing in somebody’s life, moving them forward into a more positive direction.
How did Robot Monster get the band name?
We chose Robot Monster as our band name for many different reasons. The first being that it’s fun, weird and bold. You won’t forget it. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, and felt the name really embodied that. Secondly, the name Robot Monster contains so much duality within it, and is a metaphor for the Robot and Monster we all have inside of us, and how different aspects can be present and be exposed at different moments. The monster can represent the uncontrolled, dangerous, more chaotic elements of our soul, and the Robot might symbolize the more rigid, analytical and controlled aspects of ourselves. They both can be positive or negative depending on the circumstance.
From the music you have written, what is your favorite lyrics and why?
I think my favorite lyric currently is “Why does everybody else have all the fun” from Big Bad Now. It seems nowadays people have been suffering from extreme fomo. With the internet and social media being so dominant in our lives, it can appear everybody else is so perfect and happy based on their flawless Instagram feeds and fairytale pictures that they post. It’s really easy to fall into the trap of always assuming the grass is greener, and most have it better than you. I feel it a lot, and I know most others do too, and it can be debilitating for our self esteem to think like this.
Who would you say most inspired Robot Monster’s musical sound?
There is not only one artist in particular who inspired Robot Monster’s sound and style, but we take so much inspiration from many different eras of rock. The freedom and fun of classic rock definitely inspires us to perform with energy and to bring fun and humor into our music. The riffs of bands like Metallica, Rage Against The Machine and Nirvana inspire us to explore our heavier side, and definitely inspired a lot of our songs on the album.
If you could go on tour with anyone, who would your ideal tour lineup be?
If we could tour with any band, it would be a tie between Metallica and The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Ideally, it would be the three of us on one bill. That would be a dream come true for sure.
Just for kicks and giggles, If you could be any fruit or vegetable what would you be?
If we could be any fruit or vegetable we’d both be lemons. No explanation needed.
What can we expect from Robot Monster in the future?
Next year we’re super excited to be starting off 2023 playing on a super sick Cruise Ship Festival called ShipRocked, and we are planning on touring all around in the next year and so on. We have put together an insane show and we cannot wait to announce tour dates soon.
Is there anything else you would like your fans to know?

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