Remember that story where someone pooped in the pit at a Turnstile concert in Santa Cruz and the shit ended up on the very stage Turnstile was playing on? Well that got Bailey and Tyler wondering about what are some of the craziest things people have seen at concerts. Tyler asked across the All Punked Up socials and the internet for people’s stories, and he shares them on this episode of The All Punked Up Podcast.
Before they share others’ stories, the crew share a few of their own. And Bailey for some reason has the weirdest luck running into and meeting bands like Angels and Airwaves, Story of the Year and All Time Low. He also shares the story of how he snuck backstage to a blink-182 concert, was detained and thrown out and then, in a weird turn of events, wound up meeting his future wife.
This is definitely an episode you’ll want to stick around until the end for.

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