Recently, Milan-based post-hardcore band, Stain the Canvas, sat down to talk to us about released their new furious single “All These Lights are Graves” via InVogue Record.
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First off, I wanted to congratulate you about the new single! How are you feeling now that it has been released?
Thank you so much. All These Lights Are Graves is a different song from what we usually write but it’s still very important to us. We’re super happy that we finally released it and we hope that a lot of people can easily reflect to it.
What was your inspiration for “All These Lights are Graves” and if you had to choose your favorite lyric, what would it be?
I was out for a walk one night when I saw a huge cemetery full of beautiful lights, watching this from afar I thought they were just city lights. While I was approaching it, I was super surprised to find out it was a cemetery instead. Here I had the inspiration to associate light with hope. Probably my favorite line from the lyrics is “They say that hope is the last to die, kill it first, survive”. It is definitely a pessimistic line in which unfortunately I have reflected a lot lately.
When you are in a writer’s block, what do you do to help get you out of it?
I get mad and I cry usually (ahah). After that I just go out for a walk or just skating a bit, or I go out for a fast bike run. I usually get a lot of inspiration while walking around and thinking about the songs I am currently working on.
What is one of your most memorable memories as a band?
Our European tour in September 2021 is definitely the most memorable one for us so far. It was our first tour ever and we were lucky enough to do it on a nightliner. Absolutely a priceless experience.
If you could have a collaboration with anyone, who would it be?
I would really like to collaborate with Tyler Dennen, Spencer Charnas and Ghostemane.
What are your upcoming plans for Stain the Canvas?
Next big step is to release our second album this year and we can’t wait for it. After that we would definitely like to start touring nonstop and meet all our fans across as many countries as we can.
Now, just a few fun questions
If you could be any fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?
Luke: would be a celery for sure.
H: would be a peach.
Rick: definitely a fig.
Bryan: a passion fruit.
Ale: I hate this question (ahah).
If you were to walk into a room what would your theme song be?
H: Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley.
Luke: Killing Strangers by Marilyn Manson.
Ale: Only Time by Enya.
Rick: Toxic by Britney Spears.
Bryan: Bear in the Big Blue House’s opening song.
Anything else you would like your Fans and our Readers to know?
New album is coming this year and we hope you will love all the new songs we will release.
You may also like: Stain the Canvas drop new single “All These Lights are Graves”

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