Stand Atlantic have grown from a small, Australian pop punk band to one of the most influential performers in the scene. Since their debut album, Skinny Dipping and signing to Hopeless Records, they’ve been touring the world and having a great time.
All Punked Up had the opportunity to talk with Bonnie Fraser of Stand Atlantic about their rise to fame over the years, touring, her message to those trying to get out of their comfort zone, and of course, Bonnie Fraser’s favorite category: MEMES!
Here’s the full interview below:
Q.You’ve been on quite the journey over the past two years, from being signed to Hopeless Records to touring every corner of the world. How’s the past year been in your eyes?
A. A whirlwind is the only way I can describe it, haha. We’ve barely had time to even sit back and take everything in. We’ve worked really hard, our whole team has and I feel like we’re always looking ahead but we definitely are completely in awe of where things have gone in a short time. It’s sick.
Since their debut album in 2018, the trio has been touring nearly nonstop. They’ll be finished up their tour in the U.K later this month, but they’re picking it up again in May for their Australian-U.S Summer tour.
Q. You’ve been absolutely blowing up over the past year. From your debut EP to your latest album Skinny Dipping, did you expect for things to from 0-100 that fast?
A. No we did not, haha. Although to us, we still have so far to go and as I said before, we’re just always looking at the next thing but its been insane so far and we just wanna keep going!
Q. You’ll be touring the U.S with some familiar faces in the coming months after your U.K tour, how stoked are you guys to be able to return to the States? You seem to have an amazing following out here.
A. We love tourinng the states – I think the two times we’ve been over there have been very different crowds so we are really excited to come back and hopefully see some familiar faces! Haha.
Stand Atlantic’s U.S tour begins July 5 in Dallas, Texas and ends August 3 in Anaheim, California. Get your tickets here!
Q. Speaking of bands you’ll be touring with, what’s your dream lineup for a set to see live?
A. This question is always so hard to answer! Haha. At the moment for me it’d be Something with Lany, Bieber, the Band Camino, Bring Me The Horizon and Billie Eilish?? I really could just keep going but I won’t, haha.
Q. Bonnie, another question directed towards you. You’re known to be a meme queen on social media, which meme about Australia is your favorite and which one is the most misleading?
A. There was one recently about Egg boy – If you know you know… as far as misleading, there’s something about the fact that we have to wear ground harnesses? I don’t know haha.
(It’s because they view the world upside down? The world is weird).
Q. Also, is it true Australia has some of the biggest spiders?
A. I believe so, definitely some of the deadliest at least.
Q. You’ll have some time off towards the end of summer when your touring dates come to a close. Are you going to take some time off or do you have plans to hop into the recording studio sometime later this year?
A. You’ll have to wait and see I’m afraid! Haha.
Q. If you are planning to record, what can fans expect?
A. We’re always focused on writing good songs no matter what way they seem to sound – we know who we are and we know what we want. Always gonna make something genuine.
Q. Bonnie, you’ve been an inspiration for young women in the scene to start bands (you’ve inspired a few I know personally), What do you have to say to those on the fence of starting a band and breaking out of their comfort-zone?
A. Just fricken do itttttt. Nothing notable ever came from the comfort zone. Gotta push yourself always otherwise you don’t grow!
Q. Alright, last question! Which city has the best food, and which is your favorite to visit?
A. I’m gonna go with the UK only because we love spoons THAT much… but every continent has its upsides… USA and that taco bell baby!!
Go check out Stand Atlantic’s latest album, Skinny Dipping and catch them on a few tour dates! You won’t regret it!

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