There’s definitely one thing I respect in music more and more and that’s transparency. The Average does exactly what they promise: deliver a truly emo show full of music that will make you feel like you’re back in your middle school phase of blasting Oasis loudly to the dismay of your parents.
When I left for college, I grew up quick, but when I go back home I’m always looking for bands who bring me back to my roots. I don’t know if wearing all band tees and thrift shop flannel to school every day and can be considered “roots” for everyone, but those were defining years for me where I learned a lot about myself. So, when I came out to a small show in my hometown over winter break, I was pleasantly surprised to find a new band that I was able to fall in love with rather than listen to the mainstream pop that I had been blasting while at school. (Despite how good thank u, next by Ariana Grande is, you can only listen to it so many times before you lose touch with reality a little.)
The Average, as the kids say, “popped off”. I was surprised to see their ability to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar town with a mixed bag of new and old faces in the audience. Their presence in these circumstances was welcoming and alive, but there was definitely a feeling of reservation as well.
Confidence can make or break a band. The Average is still coming into their own in the music world, but as they learn to embrace what is the uncomfortable nature of performing, this will pass. So, when I began to pull apart their nerves and look purely at the music that they brought to that tiny coffee shop, I felt inspired to write– inspired to let everyone else know about this band that I had stumbled upon.
The Average was formed in 2014, but truly took shape in 2018 as they became more active. Their love of music bound them together and motivated them to create something truly special. From witnessing their performance that night, I can proudly say that their love for what they do shines through in every note, beat, and chord they play.
As a trio, The Average balances their parts well, each musician taking ownership of the space that is theirs. Hector Belarmino, while the only member of the band not to pursue music academically, is the primary songwriter. His love for the punk scene seems to be poured into every bit of The Average’s music. Hector, as the singer and guitarist of the band, is able to make genuine connections with the audience and probably has the best stage presence of the members. Riley Young, however, seems timider. This characteristic, though, is not with negativity or scrutiny but is also matched with an equal qualifier of immense talent, especially for someone so young. He has been playing drums since he was a kid and his commitment and dedication certainly shows. When Riley plays, you can tell just how much he loves what he is doing and you can also tell how badly he wants the audience to love it, too. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to bring a band to the next level. Scott Nowaskey brings experience from the part he played in other local bands. As the bassist, he embodies the heart and soul that they need to sustain themselves. In many ways, the bass of The Average’s music is strong and certainly one of the most crucial parts, without it, the music wouldn’t seem quite right. Scott’s control of his instrument is absolutely one of the best parts of this band’s performance and it’s clear that he is sure of his instrument.
At the end of the night, I was blown away by the talent I had seen. I’m not easily persuaded by new music. In fact, it often takes me months to get into a new band, picking apart every bit of work. However, The Average creates music that makes it possible to dive right in and never look back. While I wasn’t expecting it, I truly did relearn to appreciate the joy of going to a local gig and the simplicity of hometown vibes in a miscellaneous coffee shop. The band’s music reminded me just what it means to follow what you love, but also have fun while doing it.
The Average was transparent with their delivery, but what that moment of clarity showed me was so much more than I had bargained for.

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