It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting colder, the days become shorter, and the eery moon-lit nights are becoming creepier. However, what’s a better way of getting into the spooky halloween spirit than Halloween inspired punk rock songs?
Here’s my top five punk rock halloween songs for this spooky time of year:
5. Ghouls Night Out-Misfits
The Misfits are one of punk rocks’ best bands, without a doubt. They had an undeniable way of writing creative songs about multiple topics. Two of their most memorable works, however, did a great job of describing the spooky time of year that is halloween! Although the song is short, its still a great one to jam out to while carving a pumpkin.
4. What’s Behind The Mask-The Cramps
Another old-styled song, but its perfect for background music at a Halloween party. As a song that was rumored to be about a man trying to find out who a girl is behind a mask at a Halloween party, it fits the occasion pretty well! It’s a fun song to jam out to, no matter what Halloween activity you’re participating in!
3. Fall Children-AFI
Within the golden days of AFI’s best music, where it was fast, riffy, and intricate, this song was birthed. Listening to this song makes me want to run through a corn maze at night or conjure up something in a cemetery. It’s fast to slow riffing is something that feels so fall-like.
2. This Is Halloween-Marilyn Manson
As one of Halloweens’ most iconic songs, the king of melancholy and despair made a cover of ‘This Is Halloween’, famously known from Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas”. Without a doubt, Manson made this more creepy than ever. Now, no matter what you think of Manson or his strange personality, you have to admit that his cover makes you feel that eery feeling to go and binge-watch some classic Halloween movies.
1. Halloween-Misfits
Now, like I said before, the Misfits were outstanding at taking a topic and making it relatable and creative. ‘Halloween’ by them, is by far one of my favorites because of what it reminds me of; carving pumpkins, running around like a ghost in the night with my buddies, causing chaos on a night where anything goes. It’s an instant classic, and maybe it’ll convince you to make Halloween a memorable time!
Hope you enjoyed the top five punk rock Halloween songs! Remember to stay spooky and enjoy this creepy season!
Follow me on Twitter: @Johnaubert97

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