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What could it be? blink-182 is doing some teasing

By August 22, 2023No Comments

blink-182 is clearly up to something. They just dropped the teaser video below which can be found on the band’s website. The video contains some tour footage behind an acoustic riff. Is it a new song? Is an actual album details announcement on the way? Is Tom leaving again (jk)? What could it be?

The month rumored to be when the album is set for release is coming up. Back in May, a fan commented on one of Travis Barker’s Instagram posts saying, “We need the new blink album already trav! @travisbarker”. The blink-182 drummer saw this and filled everyone in as to when that album will finally be released.

Barker replied back saying that the new blink-182 album is planned to be released sometime in October.

So if Barker’s reply was true, maybe, just maybe, this new tease is the beginning’s of that official announcement.

Stay tuned.

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