Tyler, Ally and Bailey invite the godfather of the scene and Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman to The All Punked Up Podcast. Not sure how they fit so much in in under 1 hour, but your favorite scene podcast hosts ask Kevin how he’s staying busy and sane while dealing with the pandemic, what his life is like after Warped Tour and how young professionals can take necessary steps to become marketable and get involved in the live event industry. The conversation also dives into the very beginnings and ending of Warped Tour and just how much of an impact the traveling festival has left on a generation. The crew also asks the tough questions like what he misses most about Warped Tour, will Warped Tour make a comeback and whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich.
When asked about whether or not Warped Tour could make a comeback in some form or fashion, Kevin left the window wide open for a potential return stating: “You never want to say never, you know? I’ve got some ideas, but they may be more towards the charity side of stuff we were doing. I did that big punk festival, the ‘It’s Not Dead Punk Festival’, out here that was super fun. You know, I don’t want to say never. You never want to. I think there may be a moment that [we] want to get a reunion together maybe on the cruise ship again or something. That was a lot of fun.”
If you’re a fan of Warped Tour, this is an episode you’ll definitely want to check out.
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