We had the opportunity to catch up with the band Wolf Culture in an exclusive All Punked Up Interview.
What was your inspiration from your most recent single “nervous”?
“nervous” came about one night when I was on a bit of a downward spiral. I felt the urge to write a song that addressed the fact that anxiety can rear its ugly head at any point in your life and manifest itself in a number of ways. The chorus to me is about being unsure of your feelings and recognising that you may not always portray a true version of yourself to the world outside because it’s easier to hide behind walls.
As with all our tracks, I decided to take inspiration from my life to try and make sense of the chaos. Maybe I am this person you see in front of you or maybe I’m protecting myself by building barriers, however unhealthy that may be.
With your new EP Dying in the Living Room getting ready to be released on July 31st, which song would you say is your favorite track and why?
I like to think each song from DITLR has its own space and purpose to the EP as a whole. “nervous” is the flagship for this coming era of music as we believe it captures the vibe and message of the record. The song I can’t wait to perform live, however, is “ultimatum” because that track is very dear to me and I feel that any song that makes me feel I am able to give a better delivery of to an audience. We were also lucky enough to get Kellin to feature on this track.
What was your inspiration for your Dying in the Living Room?
The title is taken from a song of ours called “spite” which we released some months back. I believe I penned that song a few years back now and the line really stuck with me. The irony and the way it made me feel when I spoke it aloud. I believe it to be a common feeling of being lost in a time of your life where you should be feeling most alive and I think that’s a recurring theme throughout the EP.
What are your goals for the rest of 2020/early 2021?
This year has thrown totally new challenges at everyone and I think the musical landscape will look entirely different, coming out of 2020. We’re all up for the challenges to come and we can’t wait to be playing shows again. Our UK tour with Palmist has now been rescheduled for early November and we hope to announce some more tours and festival appearances for 2021.
What have been some of your favorite experience(s) as a band?
Recently, working on this EP and the people we’ve had the privilege of working with. Alex Adam (ROAM) helped with the writing of the EP, Neil Kennedy (The Ranch) produced it and Kellin Quinn (Sleeping With Sirens) featured on it.
More recently, Max almost drowning on the set of the “nervous” music video. We had to shoot the scene when he’s thrashing about in the water before the pool threw us out, so when we were finally ready he had to just go for it.
We had Rob Goulding balancing his camera on a makeshift crane, Reece defending the lighting from water and Jay (wearing kid-sized goggles) filming underwater. If it looks like he’s actually drowning its ‘cos he was.
If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be and why?
We’re honestly open to working with anyone that is as passionate about making music as we are. It really doesn’t matter which ‘genre’ they come from. It’s all about improving the music at the end of the day.
If we were to listen to your playlists with you, what would we be listening to?
A mess. We all listen to such a weird mix of stuff. Some of it you would probably expect, a lot you probably wouldn’t. We do actually have playlists on our Spotify if you want a taste. We update them semi-regularly…when we don’t forget.
If you had to describe yourself as a fruit or vegetable, what would you pick?
Max: I’d be a banana ‘cos I fucking hate bananas.Reece: I recently discovered this fruit called a ‘star fruit’? Tropicana has it in one for their juices. Tasty stuff. I’d be a pineapple.
Jay: Bok choy.
Jake: Granny Smith Apple.
Is there anything else you would like to say to your Fans or All Punked Up readers?
Cheers for taking the time to listen to our music. It’s super personal to us and we really hope you enjoy the emotional voyage that is DITLR.
You can find Wolf Culture on your favorite social media and streaming platforms. Keep an eye out of Wolf Culture’s release of their new EP, Dying in the Living Room on July 31st, 2020.
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