On Episode 32 of The All Punked Up Podcast, John and Tyler share their thoughts on new music released this week from The Offspring, Twenty One Pilots, The Maine and newly signed to Pure Noise Records band Action/Adventure.
The two of them then move to their main topic for the episode: You actually CAN judge a person by their taste in music. Taking inspiration from a study that tries to prove this topic to be true, John and Tyler try to figure out what type of people they are based on their musical interests. They then take it a step further to discuss their own significant others’ tastes in music to figure out whether or not they are actually compatible with them.
Will they stay with their significant others based on their own results? Find out by listening to this episode! Just kidding… or are we?
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For more on this study, here’s an article from The Hill: https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/546777-science-now-says-you-can-judge-people-by-their-taste
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